Shop Small (and a GIVEAWAY)

Martha Reynolds Writes


To honor small and independent businesses everywhere, I’m encouraging you to shop (if you shop this frenetic holiday season) at small and independently-owned businesses.

And to that end, all of my books (all five of them) are on sale from now until the end of November. The sale ends around midnight on Sunday the 30th. I’m talking about ebooks, because I can’t change the price of the paperbacks on Amazon’s site. CLICK HERE to go to my Amazon website.

Now, many of you who read this blog regularly are some of my most loyal readers (THANK YOU for that!). Ebooks make great gifts. So do paperbacks, and if you’re local and want to buy any of my printed books, just let me know and I’ll make a special delivery for you.

Finally, I’m asking you to do some of my advertising (with a chance to win). You can share on…

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